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R &

Terms of Service

Payment options:

We accept the following methods as payment:

  1. Internet/Electronic transfer.
  2. Bank guaranteed cheques.
  3. Cash deposits (An additional fee may apply to cover over the counter costs for cash deposits)

Delivery options:

To protect your integrity delivery procedures will only commence as soon as your deposit has been "cleared" by our banking institution.

  1. Collect from your nearest post office.
  2. Delivered to your doorstep.
  3. Collect from our office in Lyttelton, Centurion.
  4. All deliveries will be done by our preferred couriers.

Purchasing Procedure:

  1. Find the product you want to purchase and add to your cart.
  2. Complete the check out procedures when done shopping.
  3. We will be in contact to confirm stock availability for the item\s on order and to supply our bank account details.
  4. On positive confirmation that your payment has been received we will deliver. If we confirm your payment before Noon you will receive the item you ordered the next business day - depending on software configuration etc.
  5. These shopping procedures allow for personal contact. We have been dealing in this way for 5 years and have only satisfied clients.

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